Website Audit Basic Level

For whom would this be suitable?

Typically the micro business that has a brochureware or non-interactive website.  

This for example could be:

  • a brochure style website that is flat in structure
  • a website that you have no control over i.e. it is a template driven site that you have purchased access to
  • a website that you do not own (although you may think you do!)
  • a website that has nothing more than a few pages of information that rarely changes
  • a website that has been very very inexpensive to buy

There are of course other examples but in principal, these are websites that will very rarely work under their own steam and you may need to be spending considerable sums of money on PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising campaigns to help them along.
You may have used this type of site to gain some experience and you now need to look at something that will actually work for you.

This website audit will cover the levels that match this type of website. 

There is little point in you paying for a 'Rolls Royce' (Enterprise Level Website Audit) service when you have a 'Mini' parked in your driveway.  You need the information that is of value to you in helping make a decision on the next steps - whatever they may be.

We will always be constructive in the output of the basic website audit.  We will help you assess the worth of investment and what the returns might be as well as giving valuable insights into the reasons and the logic behind this.

If you wish to proceed with this Website Audit Basic Level, then you should CONTACT US and after we have discussed your requirements with you, we will send you a Self Diagnosic Form for completion and return to us electronically for assessment.


This is the source document that allows the diagnostic, education and change implementation process to start.

We want to help you be more successful with your aspirations by giving objective information and advice - it is certainly worth the modest investment you will make and it will open up your thinking as to the possibilities and potential markets you could access.

Related pages: Website audits   Website Audit Intermediate Level    Website Audit Enterprise Level